Illig Club Clothing Store

Interior Design

Located in the Tunnel nightclub, located at 269 11th Ave (between 27th and 28th Street) in the Chelsea section of Manhattan, New York City. The Store opened March 27, 1998 (Now long Closed)

Quoting from the NY Times, “NOTICED; Shop (and Dance) Till You Drop By Scott Lyle Cohen, April 5, 1998”

“Curious clubgoers inspected the 500-square-foot boutique, whose decor is part Home Depot, part Toys ”R” Us, part Lower East Side art gallery. Three gutted children’s plastic race-car beds hang on a wall as display frames. Video screens sit atop the frames, beaming images from hidden cameras…””

“To create the store’s interior, Mr. Alpern and his clothing designer, John Illig, turned to Paul Clay, whose credits include the set for Broadway’s ‘Rent.’ Mr. Clay said he used ‘everyday materials to try and point out the unseen beauty’ of the small space. Design elements include toilet plungers, electrical conduit, vinyl siding and wire mesh. ‘The clothing’s got a goofy, contemporary esthetic, and I tried to make the space pop like the clothes do,’ Mr. Clay explained.”

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